Tips To Prepare For Financial Audit: Financial audits are usually associated with a great deal of trepidation. That shouldn’t be the case though. Audits are important because they help you uncover vital information about your business and its financial position. This makes it a valuable tool for the growth and development of your business.

KGRN Accounting Associates is a UAE-based accounting firm and we help business organizations such as your own by conducting audits, managing accounts and other areas related to accounts and finances. So to help you prepare for your net financial audit, here are a couple of tips:

Specify your plan

When you meet up with your accountant, you need to inform them about your long term plans, what you want to do and where you expect to be. This will help them derive appropriate sources of finance and accounting.
Maintain digital records

Digital documentation of financial documents speeds up the auditing process. It enables quick access to information and easy reference to previous financial statements. Furthermore, if these records are uploaded online, they can be viewed from anywhere, allowing you to enter information from anywhere and submit it to your account at any time.

Check out the audit team

Before handing over you financial information to an auditor you have to determine if they are as reliable as they claim. Interview potential auditors and ask to speak with the person who will be handling your finances. Once you are satisfied with their abilities and sure they can ensure the audit process goes smoothly, you can hire their services.

Do things right the first time

When maintaining accounts and preparing reports, make sure they are aligned or in sync. That is the accounting timeline should match the reporting one. If you don’t, you will have to spend more resources to correct and redo it later.

Reconcile your records every month

It is important for your business to close its books each month. This allows you to identify and record all your expenses and notice discrepancies or inconsistencies early on and prevent the damage from escalating.

Get your fixed assets fixed

Many organizations find it difficult to track their fixed assets. To avoid this, you can make use of Software Advice to create an Excel spreadsheet and effectively take into account the services and taxes whichare considered a part of the fixed assets purchase value.

Categorize your expenses properly

Granular tracking is common even after your audit financials have been put into broad categories such as R&D, administrative and generaland marketing and sales. But you need to bear inmind which item belongs in which category to avoid issues while allocating items in the future.

Don’t forget to include deferred rent

According to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), when it comes to accounting, the value of lease needs to be equally dispersed over the given period. Even if a couple of months are rent-free, you will still need to recalculate accordingly for accounting purposes. Financial audits need to be taken seriously, especially if it is your first. But with the help of KGRN Accounting Associates, you will be able to prepare the right way for your company’s financial audit.

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